Catégorie : Librairie


1757 is a year full of events for the kingdom of France: the country is already engaged in the sinister war against Prussia and England, the king is the victim of an attack, the Parisians demonstrate, and in Besse-sur-Issole On February 9, a character was born who would become a true living legend: Gaspard de Besse. If he finds himself in spite of himself, very young, with the constabulary on his heels, his new state of brigand will quickly become a favorable ground for his aspiration for justice, in particular towards the most deprived. Systematically taking the side of the poor and the neglected against that of the powerful, he will steal from the rich to give to the poor, and will enjoy incredible popularity, far beyond the limits of his village.


Version anglaise du tome 1

Introduction: How did the “Gaspard de Besse” collection come about? From a meeting between Axel Graisely and Behem during the Gaspard Days. Axel, curator of the Musée du Brigand, orders an album with the help of the municipality; the specifications are very precise: respect the bessoise version. Some time later, a phone call from Behem: “This character is very nice, I would like the ending to be very happy and why not do a sequel! Axel reflects, the adventure begins.

1757 is a year full of events for the kingdom of France: the country is already engaged in the sinister war against Prussia and England, the king is the victim of an attack, the Parisians demonstrate, and in Besse-sur-Issole On February 9, a character was born who would become a true living legend: Gaspard de Besse. If he finds himself in spite of himself, very young, with the constabulary on his heels, his new state of brigand will quickly become a favorable ground for his aspiration for justice, in particular towards the most deprived. Systematically taking the side of the poor and the neglected against that of the powerful, he will steal from the rich to give to the poor, and will enjoy incredible popularity, far beyond the limits of his village.

Introduction :
Comment est née la collection « Gaspard de Besse » ? D’une rencontre entre Axel Graisely et Behem lors des Journées de Gaspard. Axel, conservateur du musée du Brigand, commande un album avec l’aide de la municipalité ; le cahier des charges est bien précis : respecter la version bessoise.
Quelque temps plus tard, coup de téléphone de Behem : « Ce personnage est fort sympathique, j’aimerais que la fin soit des plus heureuses et pourquoi pas faire une suite ! »
Axel réfléchit, l’aventure commence.

Résumé :
1757 est une année fertile en événements pour le royaume de France : le pays est déjà engagé dans la sinistre guerre contre la Prusse et l’Angleterre, le roi est victime d’un attentat, les Parisiens manifestent, et à Besse-sur-Issole naît le 9 février un personnage qui deviendra une véritable légende vivante : Gaspard de Besse. S’il se retrouve bien malgré lui, très jeune, avec la maréchaussée à ses trousses, son nouvel état de brigand deviendra vite un terrain favorable à son aspiration de justice, notamment envers les plus démunis. Prenant systématiquement le parti des miséreux et des laissés-pour-compte contre celui des puissants, il volera aux riches pour donner aux pauvres, et jouira d’une incroyable popularité, bien au-delà des limites de son village

Informations complémentaires

Poids 0,378 kg
Dimensions 29,3 × 22,3 × 0,8 cm


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